+56 22938 1324

Your organization of the future

Education on technology trends for boards & executives

Training for managers & c-levels seeking to update their knowledge on prevailing technology trends.


 What are the technology trends that may impact business in the near future?
How do you know the latest technology trends to maximize results and minimize risks?
A space to learn and contrast future impact scenarios for emerging technologies.

At coreDevX Academy we are here to answer the challenge of how directories & c-levels can keep their radar up to date on technologies that will impact their industries.

 We have perfected a fast and practical learning model, which allows us to update the notions necessary to recognize how emerging technologies will affect industries and services, review the challenges of future regulations and what timeframes exist for the materialization of opportunities and risks.

 Updating the list of emerging technology trends is a requirement in the modern digital age for c-levels & directors.

Take advantage of our experience in almost 10 years of work in cutting-edge technologies and our 3 centers for capturing early technology trends abroad.

We have specialized in keeping up with every technological wave over the last 10 years. Take advantage of the experience of our senior consultants and have conversations about opportunities & risks for your industries & services from a look at future technology scenarios & their possible impacts on markets and regulations.

Prepare your organization for the disruptive advances of the future.