
Superconducting QPUs

QPUs (Quantum Process Units) based on superconducting materials with long coherence time, fast operation speed and high fidelity. The 10 and 20 Qubits are built from superconducting Josephson junctions as core. Ideal for high fidelity quantum operations and development of complex quantum algorithms.


A product focused on universities and technical centers that wish to explore quantum computing with integrated commercial solutions.

A key piece for quantum computing implementation projects in integration with third-party solutions on your QPUs.


Features & Benefits

One-dimensional chain topology. Qubit (Sweet spot) frequency of 4.8 GHz 5.4 GHz.

1Q gate fidelity of 99%.

Qubit-qubit coupling type of fixed capacitance coupling.

Resonator frequency reading 7.0 to 8.0 GHz.

T1 (Average) of 10-100 microseconds.

Qubit-Qubit coupling strength of 15 - 25 MHz.