
Ignacio Meléndez

Innovation and Ecosystems Lead

When I was a teenager I took a programming workshop at my high school, sincerely with the objective of playing video games. However, after a short time I learned how much fun it is to program and the tremendous impact a person could make by developing software with a simple and noble desktop computer.

Since then, I have been professionally immersed in the world of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship for more than 15 years. I have played different roles, both technical and strategic, in the design of digital products for various sectors, such as financial, educational, industrial, among others.

Something I really enjoy is to constantly learn new subjects and at the same time share my knowledge. I have been able to do this as a university professor of Innovation and Technologies, where I seek to contribute to people in the development of their academic or work goals. I also act as a mentor to entrepreneurs and startups, giving them advice and support so that they can overcome the challenges that arise in this dynamic environment.

Over the past few years, I have been researching how technology and innovation ecosystems can help executives develop businesses that fully meet the challenging goals of sustainability. I believe this is a very important topic, not only for now, but also for the success of generations to come.